2022 Gastroenterology Reimbursement and Coding Upd ...
Course Directors Welcome and Introduction
Course Directors Welcome and Introduction
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Video Transcription
Hello, welcome to the ASGE live stream event 2022 reimbursement and coding concrete solutions to strengthen your foundation in GI coding and billing. This is the final day of the ASG go practice management trifecta. So we are welcoming many of you back for day four of this four day arc of courses, and some of you are joining us new. In addition to engaging in the live event today, each of you will have ongoing access to the recordings from the course via GI Leap, ASG's online learning management system. You already have a GI Leap account. It's where you logged in for the course agenda and slide decks. In the near future, the recordings from the course will populate that account, and we'll let you know when they're available. The course directors officially kick off the day, a few housekeeping items. My name is Eden Essex, and I will be the announcer for this course. You will be able to submit questions and comments throughout the course via the q amp a box. Please be sure to use the q amp a box, and not the chat box to submit questions and comments. You can also raise your hand and we can open your phone line. If we do that we ask that you be kind of in a quiet place so you don't have a lot of background noise. So we can hear you the audience can you hear you so that is an option as well. Okay, but again if you want to submit them in writing please use the q amp a box, not the chat box that'll keep us organized. This course has been approved for 8.5 AMA PRA category one credits to receive your CME certificate, you must complete the course evaluation. The evaluation form will be available in GI Leap at the close of the course. After completing the evaluation, you will be able to immediately download the CME certificate. Your feedback is extremely helpful in shaping the future of ASG courses, and we appreciate your comments. Faculty disclosures can be found in your program materials and all potential conflicts of interest were resolved prior to this course. Now it is my pleasure to introduce our course directors. John Littenberg is the chief medical officer and a full time practicing gastroenterologist with the largest independent GI group in California insight digestive health care. He has served on several ASG committees and work groups and currently chairs the ASG reimbursement committee. Dr Littenberg is ASG advisor to the AMA CPT editorial panel. Kathy Mueller is a health care consultant with over 35 years and help in health care, including ICU CCU nursing physician office administration GI claims submission and adjudication and seminar instruction. Kathy is the owner of Ask Mueller Consulting, and is a nationally known speaker, and the author of the multi specialty medical and surgical coding workbooks. Kathy is the co editor of the ASG coding primer and answers the coding email for ASG. Kathy is a national consultant with over 15 years of coding and billing experience. She currently is a full time consultant and trainer with Ask Mueller Consulting, through which she continues to offer seminar instruction, auditing, and onsite consulting. Kathy is a certified professional medical auditor and certified ICD 10 trainer. She is the co author of several workbooks and programs specific to gastroenterology. She also answers the coding email for ASG. I will now hand the proverbial floor over to Dr Littenberg. I'm delighted and welcome all of you. I appreciate you all, especially on the west coast getting up so early. Hope you all have a large cup of turbocharged coffee at hand as I do. And those of you in Europe, we're glad you are taking time out of the middle of your day to join us here and in Pasadena we are having a white Thanksgiving. We never have snow in Pasadena and California, but we do have heavy fog. So what we're hoping to do as Eden was saying about the proverbial floor, we hope to put a very solid floor under all of you in your knowledge of coding, reimbursement, regulatory requirements, documentation requirements, and what's new in 2022 and even looking into 2023. It's especially important because we are facing, unfortunately, what could be up to 10% reduction in our Medicare fees. And if your other contracts like many of mine are based on Medicare fees next year could be particularly challenging. And if you don't do coding documentation right, if you have to do a lot of rework in your practice, then it's going to be a particularly difficult year. So we hope to make things easier by the knowledge we can try to convey to you. Because a lot of it is so technical I really urge you all to come back to the LEAP site. Once the slide decks are set up and ready to be downloaded, and instead of just trying to take a few notes as we go through a lot of material, you'll have access to all of the details, so that you and your team can revisit information that's really important to you. So before we begin, we also want to extend our thanks to the sponsors and the exhibitors who you can connect with in our virtual exhibit hall urge you to do that. So, without further ado, I'll hand off to Kathy for our first presentations. Thank you very much.
Video Summary
The video is a live stream event called "ASGE Live Stream Event 2022 Reimbursement and Coding". It is the last day of the four-day course. The viewers will have access to the course recordings through GI Leap. The course directors are introduced, Dr. John Littenberg and Kathy Mueller, who are experts in gastroenterology coding and reimbursement. The course has been approved for 8.5 AMA PRA Category 1 credits, and participants can receive a CME certificate by completing the evaluation form in GI Leap. The video aims to provide concrete solutions to strengthen coding and billing foundations in GI practices. The course directors express the importance of proper coding and documentation due to upcoming Medicare fee reductions and encourage participants to revisit the course materials on GI Leap for more details. The video also acknowledges the sponsors and exhibitors of the event. The floor is then handed over to Kathy for the first presentation.
Asset Subtitle
Glenn D. Littenberg, MD, MACP, FASGE
ASGE Live Stream Event 2022 Reimbursement and Coding
GI Leap
Dr. John Littenberg
Kathy Mueller
gastroenterology coding and reimbursement
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