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7_Nuts and Bolts_Job Interview and Contracts - Pra ...
7_Nuts and Bolts_Job Interview and Contracts - Practical Tips Vicari
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In the article "Job Interview and Contracts – Practical Tips," authored by Joseph J. Vicari, MD, MBA, FASGE, the author provides practical tips for job interviews and contracts in the medical field. <br /><br />To start with, it is essential to understand what you want in a practice, such as the type of practice, location, size, scope, and income potential. It is also important to become aware of the various types of jobs available, including academic, private practice, non-traditional, for-profit, and not-for-profit. <br /><br />During the interview process, it is advised to do multiple interviews and consider a pre-visit Zoom interview. Additionally, research on the practice, leadership, and environment is crucial. During the visit, it is important to listen, observe behaviors of physicians and staff, and talk to different individuals, including physicians, non-physicians, and patients. Key questions to explore include compensation, the practice's hiring rationale, understanding the people and their values, the structure of the group, the environment, partnership opportunities, expectations, and future possibilities.<br /><br />When it comes to making a commitment, consulting an attorney and reviewing practice bylaws, financials, and an employment agreement are essential steps. The employment contract typically includes sections such as the term, compensation, benefits, duties, company's responsibilities, outside activities, termination criteria, gap/tail insurance, assignability, and miscellaneous terms. <br /><br />The article emphasizes that everything is negotiable, both for the practice and the individual. It provides explanations and considerations for negotiating sections such as the term, termination, assignability, gap/tail insurance, restrictive covenant, non-solicitation, duties, outside activities, and compensation.<br /><br />Lastly, the article mentions the importance of understanding benefits, such as malpractice insurance, health insurance, disability insurance, life insurance, retirement plans, paid time off, maternity and family leave, and minor benefits that can add up. It also provides resources for sample contracts and further information on physician employment contracts.<br /><br />Overall, the article offers practical guidance for individuals going through the job interview and contract negotiation process in the medical field.
Job Interview
Practical Tips
Medical Field
Income Potential
Types of Jobs
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