2024 Gastroenterology Reimbursement and Coding Upd ...
Course Directors Welcome and Introductions
Course Directors Welcome and Introductions
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Video Transcription
Hello, welcome to the ASG Livestream event, 2024 Reimbursement and Coding. Today is Veterans Day, so we'd like to take a moment to say to those members of our audience who have served and are currently serving, thank you for your service. As we begin, we'd like to note, in addition to engaging in the live program today, each of you will have ongoing access to the recordings from the course via GILeap, ASG's online learning management system. You already have a GILeap account. It's where you logged in for the course agenda and slide decks. In the near future, the recordings from the course will populate that account and we'll let you know when they're available. Before the course directors officially kick off the day, a few housekeeping items. My name is Eden Essex and I will be the announcer for this course. You will be able to submit questions and comments throughout the course via the Q&A box. Please be sure to use the Q&A box and not the chat box to submit questions or comments. That'll keep us organized. This course has been approved for 8.75 AMA PRA Category 1 credits. To receive your CME certificate, you must complete the course evaluation. The evaluation form will be available in GILeap one hour before the close of the course. After completing the evaluation, you will be able to immediately download the CME certificate. Your feedback is extremely helpful in shaping the future of ASG courses and we appreciate your comments. Faculty disclosures can be found in your program materials and all potential conflicts of interest were resolved prior to this course. Now it is my pleasure to introduce our course directors. Dr. Glenn Littenberg is the chief medical officer and a full-time practicing gastroenterologist with Insight Digestive Healthcare, now Genesis Healthcare Partners, an affiliate of Unio Health Partners. He has served in several prominent roles on behalf of ASGE, notably as ASG's advisor to the AMA CPT editorial panel and the long-standing chair of the ASGE Reimbursement Committee, and he continues to serve with the society. Kathy Mueller is a healthcare consultant with over 35 years in healthcare experience, including ICU, CCU Nursing, Physician Office Administration, GI Claims Submission and Adjudication and Seminar Instruction. She is the owner of Ask Mueller Consulting and is a nationally known speaker and the author of multi-specialty medical and surgical coding workbooks. Kathy is the co-editor of the ASGE Coding Primer and answers the coding questions email for ASGE. Kristen Vaughn is a national consultant with over 15 years of coding and billing experience. She currently is a full-time consultant and trainer with Ask Mueller Consulting, through which she continues to offer seminar instruction, auditing and on-site consulting. She is a certified professional medical auditor and certified ICD-10 trainer. She is the co-author of several workbooks and programs specific to gastroenterology. She also answers the coding questions email for ASGE. I will now turn the proverbial floor over to Dr. Lindenberg. Thank you very much, Eden, and welcome to all of you. I appreciate you tuning in today. I noticed many of you seem to have even larger coffee cups than I do this morning, which I can understand. I know those of you in Puerto Rico who are watching were able to sleep in a little bit this morning. Unfortunately, I'm back on daylight savings time, had to actually push my clock forward a couple of hours to be here on time, but it's well worth it. It's the time of year again when we get our turkey, which physicians got from CMS just now in the form of the final rule. Once again, as Kathy will review, that we were kind of given a wishbone with no meat on it, the way I look at it, but we'll find out more of the details. My great thanks to Eden, Michelle, Bernie, and ASGE, other staff involved in getting this course together, and we will move right along now to Kathy's presentation. Thank you.
Video Summary
This is a summary of the video content from the ASG Livestream event titled "2024 Reimbursement and Coding." The video begins with a welcome message, acknowledging Veterans Day and thanking veterans for their service. The audience is informed about ongoing access to the recordings of the course through GILeap, ASG's online learning management system. The video then covers housekeeping items, such as submitting questions through the Q&A box and completing the course evaluation to receive CME credits. The course directors are introduced, including Dr. Glenn Littenberg, Kathy Mueller, and Kristen Vaughn. Dr. Littenberg briefly talks about the final rule received from CMS, and the video transitions to Kathy's presentation.
ASG Livestream event
2024 Reimbursement and Coding
Veterans Day
online learning management system
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