2024 Gastroenterology Reimbursement and Coding Upd ...
Closing Remarks and Course Adjournment
Closing Remarks and Course Adjournment
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Video Transcription
Okay, very good. Well, I'm glad we're actually finishing a few minutes early. You can do what you want with your remaining 11 or 12 minutes. Have a really good time. Really appreciate all the folks who joined us today. We had a good turnout, and I hope a good number of you, your team members, stayed with you throughout. You'll make use of the talks that will be posted in the GI Leap. We look forward to any other coding questions, which you can always put to ASGE, and I figure we'll be doing this sort of thing in the future, probably a year from now. That's a pretty good guess. Again, my great thanks to Eden Essex, Michelle Akers, Bernie Dudek, for not only being DJ, but keeping this actually protecting the entire time we've been doing this, and it just went smoothly. I really think it was very well done technically, and appreciate all the support, and thank you to my co-presenters for a masterfully large amount of information. Thank you as well. Yeah, thank you guys so much. It's always great working with you and wonderful participation by all of our attendees, so thank you so much. And we had one attendee wrote, thank you so much for the marathon review. Truly amazing work that you all do. Appreciate your expertise. Thank you, and more kudos are coming in. So I'd like to congratulate everyone on a wonderful course. Our thanks to the faculty and to you, our participants. As a reminder, each of you will have ongoing access to the recordings from the course via GI Leap, ASGA's online learning management system. When they're available, we usually have those available in like, you know, two to three weeks. The course evaluation is now available in GI Leap, and once you complete it, you can download your certificate. If you need assistance logging into GI Leap, please email...
Video Summary
The video concludes with the host expressing gratitude to the participants and presenters. He thanks the technical support team for ensuring a smooth experience. One attendee compliments the work done by the team and expresses appreciation for their expertise. The host congratulates everyone on a successful course and reminds participants that they will have ongoing access to the course recordings. He also mentions that the course evaluation is available for completion and certificates can be downloaded afterward.
technical support team
successful course
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