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Mergener_Seeking Your First Job
Mergener_Seeking Your First Job
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In "Seeking Your First Job: How to Make Your Interview Successful," the author, Klaus Mergener, provides expert advice on navigating the job search process. The article outlines five key steps for a successful job interview: knowing oneself, narrowing down options, pre-visit planning, visiting and interviewing, and post-visit due diligence.<br /><br />"Know thyself" involves determining what type of work you are interested in, where you want to work, and considering your family's needs. It also involves understanding the different practice types and settings that appeal to you.<br /><br />Once you have an idea of what you want, narrowing down the field is important. This can be done by seeking recommendations from co-workers, faculty, and prior fellows. Utilizing word of mouth, social media, and professional websites can also help in finding potential job opportunities.<br /><br />Pre-visit planning entails conducting research on the target practice, including visiting their website, making personal contacts, and preparing a list of questions to ask during the interview. It is also important to understand the people, structure, and environment of the practice, including motivations, likes and dislikes, ownership, and partnerships.<br /><br />During the visit and interview, it is advised to be yourself, observe behaviors, and have conversations with various individuals within the practice. This includes physicians, APPs, nurses, administrators, and patients. Connecting with physicians who have left the group can also provide valuable insights.<br /><br />Finally, post-visit due diligence involves weighing the pros and cons of the visit, reviewing practice bylaws and employment contracts, and consulting with an attorney. Trusting one's instincts and ensuring that the practice feels like the right fit is crucial.<br /><br />The article also emphasizes the importance of closing gaps in procedural training, getting up to speed with common procedures, and building a professional network before the end of fellowship.<br /><br />Overall, Mergener's advice provides a comprehensive guide for job seekers in the healthcare industry.
Seeking Your First Job
interview successful
job search process
know thyself
narrowing down options
pre-visit planning
visiting and interviewing
post-visit due diligence
procedural training
professional network
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