ASGE Annual GI Advanced Practice Provider Course ( ...
ASGE APP Video of the Week - 4
ASGE APP Video of the Week - 4
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Video Transcription
Hello, and welcome to this week's ASGE Advanced Practice Provider video question of the week. My name is Joe Vicari, one of the faculty members at our upcoming Advanced Practice Providers course on April 29th and 30th, later this week. This week's question. A 50-year-old female presents for average risk screening colonoscopy. A 5-millimeter tubular adenoma is removed. When is her first surveillance colonoscopy? One year, three years, five years, or seven years? If you need to, please pause before listening to the answer. The correct answer is number four, seven years. The current United States Preventative Task Force services for colonoscopy states that if one to two tubular adenomas less than 10 millimeters is found at screening colonoscopy for an average risk person, the first surveillance colonoscopy is seven to ten years. So once again, the correct answer is seven years. I hope you've enjoyed these questions leading up to this week's Advanced Practice Provider course, and I hope you can join us to learn more about screening modalities and other interesting topics. Thanks for listening, and again, I hope you can join us later this week. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, Joe Vicari discusses a question related to colonoscopy surveillance. A 50-year-old woman, who is at average risk, undergoes a screening colonoscopy and a 5-millimeter tubular adenoma is removed. The question asks when her first surveillance colonoscopy should be scheduled. The correct answer is seven years. According to the United States Preventative Task Force guidelines, if one to two tubular adenomas less than 10 millimeters are found during a screening colonoscopy for an average-risk person, the first surveillance colonoscopy should be scheduled within seven to ten years. Vicari encourages viewers to join the upcoming Advanced Practice Provider course to learn more about screening modalities and other interesting topics.
Joe Vicari
colonoscopy surveillance
50-year-old woman
tubular adenoma
surveillance colonoscopy
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