ASGE Masterclass: Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiop ...
3_Martin ERCP Perspective History Final Submitted ...
3_Martin ERCP Perspective History Final Submitted 010922
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This document is a summary of a presentation on the history and advancements of ERCP (endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography). The presenter highlights key milestones in the development of ERCP technology and techniques.<br /><br />The presenter begins by discussing the early days of ERCP in 1968 when William McCune and colleagues successfully cannulated the ampulla of Vater using an Eder fiberoptic duodenoscope. The success rate of cannulation was 25% in a series of 50 patients.<br /><br />In 1974, ERCP underwent significant improvements with the introduction of sphincterotomy, performed first by Meinhard Classen in Germany and later by Keiichi Kawai in Japan. Sphincterotomy involved cutting the sphincter muscle to improve access to the biliary and pancreatic ducts. This advancement greatly enhanced the success of ERCP procedures.<br /><br />The presenter also mentions the pioneering work of Kazuei Ogoshi, Peter Cotton, and others in the development of ERCP techniques and equipment. They formed a working group in 1974 and approved the name ERCP for the procedure.<br /><br />Images of early ERCP procedures and equipment are shown, including the diathermy knife used for sphincterotomy and the first Olympus gastroscope used by Dr. Soehendra.<br /><br />The presenter expresses gratitude to the innovative gastroenterologists and technical experts who have contributed to the development of ERCP over the past 50 years.<br /><br />Overall, this presentation gives an overview of the milestones and advancements in ERCP, highlighting the significant progress made in improving the success and safety of the procedure.
endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography
Kazuei Ogoshi
Peter Cotton
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