Advanced Endoscopy Fellows Program | September 202 ...
Presentation 1 - Video GIE a Video is Worth a Thou ...
Presentation 1 - Video GIE a Video is Worth a Thousand Words
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Video Transcription
All right. Well, hello, everybody. Welcome. I'm delighted to say hi today, be one of the first people to greet you. You know, I always tell our fellow applicants, you know, you've made it, you know, this is where you're going to learn to do the things that you'll be spending your whole career on. You know, I know it may seem like this is the one where nobody knows what you're doing, and your family stopped coming to your graduations. And, you know, but but this is really the one I think it's going to be one of your, you know, best years and training. And I'm thrilled that the ASGE is, you know, hosting a course that's focused on the advanced fellows. So thank you to all the ASGE folks and to the course directors for inviting me. And I'm delighted to talk a little bit about video GIE this morning. I just had, you know, just a few thoughts, some of the things that we tell our advanced fellows at Emory. So, you know, look at your imaging, this is really important. You know, I a lot of times will have fellows say, you know, I have, you know, how did you see that with the EUS? You know, I couldn't find it. And, you know, it was really because I had, you know, pored over their MRI before we started that some, you know, subtle finding, you know, was was visible on the on the EUS. I always feel like it's helpful to focus your study on, you know, the cases that you're going to be doing the next day, you know, so if you're going to biopsy a pink mass, watch videos of that. Video GIE can, you know, certainly provide stuff like that to, you know, to review, write something this year, as what we tell our fellows, you know, you you may have the world's greatest endoscopist in your institution, but it's really your, you know, your scholarship that that creates the national reputation. And then always put the patient first, there's tremendous things that we can do, we review these incredible procedures all the time at Video GIE. But we always try and, you know, think about the patient first. And if a, if a PTC or a surgery is the right way to go, then, you know, then then always consider that as well. And Video GIE can help with all these things. So I'm excited to talk with you about it. This is the dream team here at Video GIE that, you know, that makes it all happen. And we're, we're delighted, we do a lot of work with, you know, with fellows. And so we'll talk a little bit about that this morning. You may recognize this is the the prior Video GIE logo. We've been doing a lot of, you know, a lot of work on this, it kind of reminds me of the Dave project. I was actually a part of that course that Ashley was talking about with Raju back in the day, when I was attending it as a fellow. And so, you know, but really, you know, this sort of focused on the video part, and we wanted to update it and, and focus on the endoscopy part, right. And so this is the new Video GIE logo, as hopefully you guys have all seen, we're really excited about it. It's modern. And, you know, it's sort of reminiscent of an endoscope and also has that sort of video component to it. So we're just really pleased with the way it turned out. It's actually a, you know, kind of a whole, you know, design set. And so you'll begin to see this stuff around, even just the the badge that the little, you know, endoscope handle is now appearing on all of the social media. We've never had as much social media traffic as we have now. So we're excited about that. You'll begin to see these graphics, you know, appearing like on Twitter feed. This is the the old Video GIE website. And as things came along, they kind of were getting added on to the website over time. And then the mobile version was kind of like the the website, but just very small. And so there's really been, you know, a lot of work to reorganize that into a clear and sort of logical way of presenting it. And so this was sort of the second step. And now we've kind of fully realized the the vision for the Video GIE. And this is the new Video GIE website. If you haven't seen it, you know, come check it out. It has very, very clean, very clear. And you can look at a lot of incredible work in endoscopy that is that's going on. It should be very, very relevant to, you know, the training that you're that you're doing this year. The mobile version has also been, you know, updated. It's called platform responsive now, I think, is the is the term. But, you know, it's configured for whatever device you, you know, you log into the site on. And so it's really easy also to look at it on your phone. The cover also was updated. This was our was our former cover. This is the new version of the cover that incorporates the, you know, the new themes and the logos and the graphics that we've been talking about. We're super happy with the way the cover turned out. I was teasing the other editors that I think they must have been pleased too, because the whole family, you know, has sort of migrated over to, you know, to the to the work that we did for video. But it really looks great. The whole family of journals is beautiful. And, you know, it's really sharp. And I think it I think it conveys that view of endoscopy with the sort of white on black. There are lots of videos on VideoGA that may be helpful to you as you're working on your training. A lot of the fellows talk about this article. It's sort of visualizing the papilla in three dimensions over the intraduodenal proportion or portion of the duct. So, you know, check this out. There's just a lot that will be helpful to you as you're learning. Hopefully, a lot of you will want to author something with us. So we've migrated over these were the old titles and we've we've migrated them over to these new submission types, which which we think are clear and and understandable. And we've added two new ones, actually, patient education and an industry education one. We're very excited about the patient education one. This is supposed to be patient facing content. So it doesn't have to be the most radical endoscopic procedure you've ever seen. You know, you can create a video that is designed for patients now. This is sort of our first one. And it's an incredible video that was made for patients about colorectal cancer screening. This one is animated and we're super happy with the way it turned out. But it doesn't have to be animated. It can be endoscopic video. But it's a it's a great opportunity to create some, you know, some content for, you know, for publication. I'll share with you guys, and I'd love to hear your thoughts. This is something that we're talking about launching something called fundamentals. And the goal would really be to cover key concepts, not kind of the most radical thing, but to talk about, you know, cannulation or US anatomy. So this is something that we've been working on. I'd love to hear your thoughts about it as you start your fourth year. It is, of course, PubMed indexed. And so anything that you publish with us will will go on PubMed. And we've worked a lot with DDW. So this is DDW. And, you know, as you as you may be aware, when you submitted a, you know, an abstract to DDW, those would get published in a supplement of GIE. But if you submitted a video to DDW, it really didn't go anywhere. And we decided we wanted to work on that. And so now all of the video submissions to DDW are published, the corresponding abstract in a supplement for VideoGIE. So another way to, you know, highlight the work that you're doing. So you can actually now go and click on the on the VideoGIE website and see all of the abstracts from 2023. I wanted to mention that we have a new VideoGIE Fellows Award. We're very excited about that. So if you're the first author on a submission in the year of the award, we will award the top submission. This is chosen by the Education Committee. And it's presented at DDW. There's recognition of the Crystal Awards. We gave our first award this year in 2023. So think about submitting and you will be in contention for the new VideoGIE Fellows Award. So that's really what I wanted to share this morning. But I'm happy to take any questions if anybody has anything. I hope that you'll use VideoGIE a lot during your fellowship. Hopefully submit some articles to us and check out the content as you as you do your fourth year training. Thank you.
Video Summary
In this video, the speaker welcomes the viewers and discusses the importance of advanced fellows in learning and developing their skills. They emphasize the value of studying imaging and focusing on cases they will be performing the next day. They also highlight the importance of scholarly work and putting patients first. The speaker introduces the Video GIE website and its updated design, as well as the new features and submission types available. They discuss the opportunity to publish patient education videos and introduce the idea of launching a new section called "fundamentals." The speaker mentions that all video submissions to DDW are now published in a VideoGIE supplement. They also announce the new VideoGIE Fellows Award, which recognizes top submissions. The speaker encourages viewers to use VideoGIE during their fellowship, submit articles, and explore the content available.
advanced fellows
patient education videos
VideoGIE Fellows Award
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