First Year Fellows Endoscopy Course (Aug 6-7) | 20 ...
Welcome and Introductions
Welcome and Introductions
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Video Transcription
All right, good morning, everyone, and welcome to the First-Year Fellows course. I'm Sunil Sheth, and along with Dr. Rupaka, we are the course directors. I want you to know that we have assembled a wonderful program for you this weekend, and we really hope that you enjoy yourselves and also find it rewarding. I wanted to give you some background information about this course. The First-Year Fellows course is considered a flagship event for the ESG. This is the second of the four courses that are going to be held this summer. It is usually extremely well attended by First-Year Fellows, and typically 95% of the incoming class of First-Year Fellows in the United States will attend this course. This year, we have several international fellows also joining us virtually. The curriculum of this course is created by ESG's training committee and with expert input. Some of the highlights are that there's standardized teaching through all four courses. Fellows have access to all slides, and all fellows will participate in all hands-on stations. None of this would have been possible without our sponsors and supporters that are listed in this slide. I also wanted to thank Marilyn, Mary Beth Chambers, the AV team for all the hard work they've put in. And finally, we are very fortunate and grateful to have a terrific faculty with us this weekend. Not only are they experts in the field, but they're all fantastic teachers, so please take advantage and ask them questions. I'll have Dr. Ripaka talk about some housekeeping stuff, and as I said, have fun, enjoy yourselves. Thank you. Thank you, Sunil. So I'm going to ask all of you to take a look at your name badge right now. You're going to be assigned to either Group A or Group B. Group A is going to have a red dot on your badge, and Group B is going to have a blue dot. So the beginning, the first three lectures are going to be common for everyone. And after that, the red group and the blue group are going to separate. And while one of you is doing tools of the trade, the other group is going to have a lecture, and then it's going to be the other way next. So you've kind of oriented yourself to the IT&T Center a little bit. So right across is the main restrooms, and you're going to have to go through the main restrooms to enter the Bioskills Lab. Okay, and then all the fellows are going to use disposable gowns, and faculty are going to be wearing lab coats. Food and drinks are not allowed in the lab, but you can leave your stuff in the lockers or in one of the tables. Like I said, at 7.30, we're going to start having lectures now, and then 9 o'clock, 9.05, Group A is going to go to pathology and terminology, and Group B, tools of the trade. We're going to have a little break after that, and then Group A is going to do tools of the trade, and Group B is going to do pathology and terminology. And then we're all going to reconvene at 11.10 for the diagnostic colonoscopy lecture, followed by lunch, and then in the afternoon, Group A is going to have a hands-on training lab today, and Group B is going to do presentations in the auditorium. And then we're going to follow that with a short introduction to GI LEAP in the auditorium back here again, and then we're going to have a small reception to follow that. Tomorrow, breakfast first, and then we're going to have the other way. Group A is going to do presentations in the auditorium, and Group B is going to do hands-on training in the lab, and then we'll wrap up after that. So there is Wi-Fi, and you can select ASG underscore guest for the Wi-Fi network, and you don't need a password for that. All the slide presentations are also uploaded into GI LEAP. You should get an email with how to access GI LEAP, but if you haven't received it or if you're having any trouble accessing GI LEAP, one of the ASG staff can help you out with that. So please put in some evaluations at the end of the course. It's going to be very useful for us to help tailor subsequent courses. And again, the evaluation is through GI LEAP, and you're going to see instructions as to how to put in the evaluations in the email that you were sent previously. Again, if you have any questions, please see one of the ASG staff. So some of the – so a lot of our presentations are interactive, and some of them have some polls through the Slido system. The QR code on this slide doesn't work, but when you get to a poll, there is a QR code that you can scan through your iPhone camera, or you can go to the Slido.com web browser, enter the meeting number, and then access the poll that way. And that's all I have for you. Like I said, we have a stellar faculty and a great course. I hope you all, you know, take advantage of this excellent course, ask a lot of questions, and have fun. Thank you.
Video Summary
This video transcript is from a course introduction for the First-Year Fellows course, given by Sunil Sheth and Dr. Rupaka. They mention that the course is a flagship event for the ESG and is well attended by first-year fellows. This year, there are international fellows joining virtually. The course curriculum is created by the training committee with expert input. They thank sponsors, supporters, Marilyn, Mary Beth Chambers, and the AV team for their hard work. They also mention the excellent faculty and encourage fellows to ask questions. Dr. Rupaka provides some housekeeping information, including group assignments, schedules, and restroom locations. They mention that disposable gowns should be used and food and drinks are not allowed in the lab. They also provide information on Wi-Fi access, slide presentations in GI LEAP, evaluations, and interactive polls using the Slido system. Overall, they emphasize the importance of enjoying and taking advantage of the course.
First-Year Fellows course
ESG flagship event
international fellows
course curriculum
training committee
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