First Year Fellows Endoscopy Course (August 5 - 6) ...
2_How to Guide to Upper Endoscopy
2_How to Guide to Upper Endoscopy
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This document is a how-to guide for performing upper endoscopy. It covers the indications for upper endoscopy, technique basics, and components of a normal examination. The guide also includes information on abnormal conditions and alarm symptoms to be aware of.<br /><br />The appropriate indications for upper endoscopy include upper abdominal or upper GI symptoms like dyspepsia, persistent reflux symptoms, and dysphagia. It is also indicated for iron deficiency anemia, suspected upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and for the diagnosis and treatment of esophageal varices. Upper endoscopy can also be used for abnormal imaging findings, food impaction or caustic ingestion, and foreign body removal.<br /><br />The guide emphasizes the importance of learning to perform upper endoscopy competently through a minimum number of procedures and developing both technical and cognitive skills. It also advises being prepared for each case, practicing a systematic approach, and taking the time to carefully examine the patient. Ergonomics is another important factor to consider, such as positioning the monitor at eye level and ensuring the examination table is at the right height.<br /><br />The document provides step-by-step instructions on the insertion of the endoscope, examining the esophagus, and the technique for advancing to the pylorus and examining the stomach. It also covers techniques for examining the duodenum and the use of retroflexion for thorough examination of the stomach. The guide concludes with a recap of the key points and emphasizes the importance of developing a systematic approach and practicing to improve skills.
upper endoscopy
technique basics
normal examination
abnormal conditions
alarm symptoms
systematic approach
skill improvement
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