Improving Quality and Safety in the Endoscopy Unit ...
GI Society Statement on AAMI ST91
GI Society Statement on AAMI ST91
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A joint statement by several gastrointestinal (GI) societies has expressed opposition to the revisions made to the ANSI/AAMI ST91 standard for flexible and semi-rigid endoscope processing. The GI societies, including the American College of Gastroenterology (ACG), American Gastroenterological Association (AGA), and American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE), voted no on the revisions because they believe the changes create obstacles to implementing standards and provide impractical, inappropriate, or conflicting guidance.<br /><br />The statement emphasizes the importance of initiatives to eliminate healthcare-associated infections through improved education and evidence-based practices. It highlights the need for training, oversight, and enhancements in cleaning practices and technologies in order to protect patients.<br /><br />The background of the statement explains that the AAMI is a private organization that develops standards for medical instrumentation safety and use. The AAMI ST91 standard, which focuses on endoscope reprocessing, is widely used by endoscopy units. The revisions to the standard were prompted by new evidence regarding the need to achieve endoscopes that are free of contamination and viable microbes before use. However, the GI societies express concerns about potential sterilization mandates and the impact on patient access to screening and treatment.<br /><br />The statement highlights key challenges facing GI endoscopy resulting from the AAMI revisions to the ST91 standard. These challenges include lack of transparency in the development process, statements unsubstantiated by evidence, disparities in normative and formative sections of the standard, and impractical and inappropriate guidance.<br /><br />The authors of the statement recommend that endoscopy units review their infection control policies and reconcile any differences between reprocessing recommendations to avoid contradictory policies. They also suggest keeping a copy of the joint statement in accreditation survey preparation files.<br /><br />Overall, the statement raises concerns about the revisions made to the ST91 standard and advocates for a continued focus on training, oversight, and cleaning practices in gastrointestinal endoscopy.
gastrointestinal societies
ANSI/AAMI ST91 standard
flexible endoscope processing
semi-rigid endoscope processing
opposition to revisions
healthcare-associated infections
improved education
evidence-based practices
endoscope reprocessing
patient access to screening and treatment
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