Video Tip: How to place the AMT Bridle Nasal Tube ...
Video Tip: How to place the AMT Bridle Nasal Tube ...
Video Tip: How to place the AMT Bridle Nasal Tube Retaining System
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Video Transcription
This ASG video tip is sponsored by Braintree, maker of the newly approved Suflav and Sutab. This video is to review how to place the AMT bridal nasal tube retaining system. The kit contains a probe with magnet, a catheter and stylet with magnet attached to the string and then an anchor for securing the tube later. Lubricate both catheter and tube before inserting into the patient. After the enteric tube is placed into the patient, the magnetic probe is passed through one nostril and then the catheter and stylet with probe are passed through the other nostril. At this point the catheter and stylet is removed and the magnetic probe is withdrawn, pulling with it the catheter and string. After the string is secured around the vomer bone, scissors are used to remove the catheter from the string. To secure the tube to the bridal, the clip is passed under the tube, the strings cross the tube and then it is closed. After closure, it is very difficult to remove this device, so be sure that the location is appropriate. Place at least one to two centimeters distal to the patient's nose for comfort. After closure, the string is tied in a knot three times. For more information, visit www.osho.com OSHO is a registered Trademark of OSHO International Foundation
Video Summary
This video provides a review of how to place the AMT bridal nasal tube retaining system. The kit includes a probe, catheter, stylet, and anchor. Lubricate the catheter and tube before insertion. Pass the magnetic probe through one nostril and the catheter and stylet through the other. Remove the catheter and stylet, then withdraw the magnetic probe to pull the catheter and string with it. Secure the string around the vomer bone and remove the catheter from the string with scissors. To secure the tube, pass the clip under the tube, cross the strings, and close it. Ensure the device is placed appropriately and tie the string in a knot three times.
AMT bridal nasal tube retaining system
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