Video Tip: Texture and Color Enhancement Imaging | ...
Video Tip: Texture and Color Enhancement Imaging
Video Tip: Texture and Color Enhancement Imaging
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Video Transcription
This ASG video tip is sponsored by Braintree, maker of the newly approved Soufflave and Soutab. Endoscope based technologies and this is Olympus texture and color enhancement imaging, TXI and RDI technologies that has come up and Olympus calls it EVS X1. So they have two separate components within this image processing technology. One is TXI and the second is RDI. So TXI emphasizes on the image and information. So it uses different algorithms to improve the brightness, the color difference and the texture analysis. As you can see on the bottom left, this is the white light imaging, the regular imaging, but with TXI technology, we can differentiate and characterize things much better. So Olympus believes that this can be used to better characterize polyps, barrettes and so on. So we can accurately identify the barrettes tissue and all the dysplastic tissue and other things much better. And the second thing they have released is called the RDI technology. RDI technology expands on the narrowband imaging that Olympus already has, but it uses the longer wavelengths of light, like the green, amber and red wavelengths to penetrate the tissue tissue much more deeply. So what Olympus believes is that we can use RDI technology to identify the source of bleeding. For example, as you can see in the white light, you just see red everywhere. That's blood everywhere, but it's hard to know where the blood is coming from unless you have an active bleeding or very large volume bleeding going on. But with RDI technology, Olympus believes that we can differentiate the shallow blood and the deeper blood, suspecting that the deeper blood is where the actual source of bleeding is. And we can potentially identify the source of bleeding better, so we can go and treat that location. So these are the two technologies that came out from Olympus, the TXI technology and the RDI technology.
Video Summary
The video discusses Olympus' new imaging technologies: TXI and RDI. TXI enhances image quality by focusing on brightness, color, and texture, improving characterization of polyps and other tissues. RDI builds upon narrowband imaging using longer light wavelengths to identify the source of bleeding, differentiating between shallow and deep bleeding for more accurate treatment. Both technologies aim to improve tissue characterization and bleeding identification. Olympus believes these advancements will enhance medical diagnoses and treatments.
imaging technologies
medical diagnoses
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