This course is supported, in part, by educational grants from CDx Diagnostics, Inc., Cook Medical, EndoGastric Solutions, Inc., ERBE USA, Inc., Lucid Diagnostics, Medtronic, Olympus Corporation of the Americas, PENTAX Medical, and Phathom Pharmaceuticals.
- CDx Diagnostics, Inc.
- Cook Medical
- Lucid Diagnostics
- Medtronic
- Olympus Corporation of the Americas
- PENTAX Medical
- Phathom Pharmaceuticals
- Boston Scientific Corporation
- Medtronic
- Braintree, A Part of Sebela Pharmaceuticals
- Medtronic
- EndoGastric Solutions, Inc.
ASGE is proud to present “Endoscopy Live”, a virtual endoLIVE signature series, featuring LIVE endoscopy broadcasts from the world’s leading endoscopy centers and clinicians. ASGE members who are GI Fellows and practicing clinicians can register for this complimentary member benefit program!
This accredited CME and MOC educational program is organized by the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE). This educational initiative is based upon the identified need to provide our 14,000 members with practical information on those patients who present symptoms that require a diagnostic workup or require ongoing management for GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus often encountered in many gastroenterology practices. This education will be based on the principles from the cognitive, behavioral, and decision sciences, such that education can be designed to accelerate understanding of new concepts, facilitate the acquisition of new behaviors, and most importantly, increase retention, recall, and appropriate utilization of new information at the point-of-care.
The session integrated didactic overviews, case-based question presentations, and video cases followed by panel moderation of key leading expert insights in various GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus clinical areas. Also included, is an overview of current and ongoing research presentation highlighted from DDW 2021.
Mouen A. Khashab, MD, MASGE
Associate Professor, Medicine and Director of Therapeutic Endoscopy
Master Endoscopist Award Recipient, 2021
Johns Hopkins University
Baltimore, MD, USA

Prateek Sharma, MD, FASGE
Professor of Medicine and VA Medical Center
Program Fellowship Director, Gastroenterology & Hepatology
University of Kansas
Kansas City, KS
John O. Clarke, MD, FASGE
Clinical Associate Professor
Stanford Medicine - Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Redwood City, CA.
Marcia Irene Canto, MD, MHS, FASGE
Professor of Medicine and Oncology
Johns Hopkins Hospital
Baltimore, MD, USA
Amit P. Maydeo, MD, FASGE
Director and Chief of Gastroenterology & Therapeutic Endoscopy
Institute of Advanced Endoscopy
Mumbai, India
D. Nageshwar Reddy, MD, MASGE
Chief of Gastroenterology & Therapeutic Endoscopy
Asian Institute of Gastroenterology
Hyderabad, India
Kenneth J. Chang, MD, FASGE
University of California Irvine Medical Center
Orange, CA, USA
Rehan Haidry, MSc (Hons), MRCP
UCLH, London
United Kingdom, London
Horst Neuhaus, MD
Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine
Evangelisches Krankenhaus Duesseldorf, Medical Dept.
Dusseldorf, Germany
Amitabh Chak, MD, MASGE
Director of Clinical Research
University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center
Cleveland, OH, USA
Pradeep Bhandari, MD
Professor of Gastroenterology
Queen Alexandra Hospital, Portsmouth University Hospital NHS Trust
Portsmouth, England
Sri Komanduri, MD, MS, FASGE
Medical Director, GI Lab, Director of Interventional Endoscopy
Northwestern Medical Faculty Foundation
Chicago, IL, USA
Uzma D. Siddiqui, MD, FASGE
Associate Professor of Medicine
The University of Chicago
Chicago, IL, USA
Reem Z. Sharaiha, MD, MSc
Weill Cornell Medical College
New York, NY, USA
Rena H. Yadlapati, MD, MSHS
Associate Professor of Medicine
UC San Diego Division of Gastroenterology
La Jolla, CA, USA
Optimal Viewing Experience in GI Leap