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GESAP X - Esophagus Module
Released: May 2021
CME and MOC no longer available

GESAP X is ASGE’s premier self-assessment program designed to increase your knowledge and decision-making skills in 10 specific areas of diagnostic and therapeutic gastroenterology and endoscopy, help you identify personal strengths and growth opportunities, and culminate in fully preparing you for Board certification!

The Esophagus module includes 50 peer-reviewed case-based questions and answers, most with endoscopic video and images. Participants will be able to test their knowledge, view the rationale for the correct answers and related references, and compare their answers to those of their peers. Track your progress and return at any time. 
GESAP X can be utilized in 1 of these 2 ways. You will be asked to make a selection before beginning this activity and it cannot be reversed. Note that the only way to receive MOC points for this activity is to take it in EXAMINATION mode.

  • LEARNING Mode (CME ONLY) - Selecting Learning mode is equivalent to using this content as a Study Guide, meaning after answering each question, your response is scored and the correct answer and commentary is revealed. You then continue to the next question until the end of the module. An 80% or better is considered passing and you have 3 opportunities to pass. Completing this module in Learning mode qualifies you for CME credit only, if applicable.

    NOTE: If you purchased the GESAP X Comprehensive Suite, you may want to consider using the GESAP X Practice Question Bank in Learning Mode to refresh your Esophagus knowledge. Using this tool you can refresh your skills, review the rationale for the correct answer and study related resources.  In that way, you can still prepare first and then take this module in EXAMINATION mode for CME and MOC credits.

  • EXAMINATION Mode (CME and MOC) - Taking the module in examination mode is similar to Sitting for an exam. After answering all the questions, you will submit the exam for scoring. An 80% or better is considered passing and you have 3 opportunities to pass. Taking this module in Examination mode qualifies you for CME and MOC. After credit is claimed, you will be able to review your exam results, compare your responses to each question to those of your peers and review rationale to the correct response.
Thank you to our ESOPHAGUS Section Lead!
Document LearningActivityInformation 5634
Thank you to our ESOPHAGUS Authors!
Esophagus Authors
Ashton Ellison, MB, ChB
Tamika S. Jaswani, MD
Anna M. Lipowska, MD
Anh Nguyen, MD
Chanakyaram A. Reddy, MD
Hardware/Software Requirements

Windows Requirements:
Operating system: Windows 10+ 
Browser:  Chrome v90.0+, Firefox v84.0+, Edge v90.0+
Internet connection: DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed connection 
Flash: Adobe® Flash® Player 12+ 

Macintosh Requirements:
Operating system: Mac OS X 10.6.8+ 
Browser: Mozilla Firefox v84.0+, Safari 14+, Chrome v90.0+ 
Internet connection: DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed connection
Flash: Adobe® Flash® Player 12+

The GI Leap App is available for iOS and Android smartphones and tablets; Android phones may access GI Leap through our mobile-optimized browser version.
iOS devices running OS 7+(includes iPhone and iPad devices). iOS version 8+ is recommended.
Android version 4+ (includes smartphones and tablets). Android version 5+ is recommended.
Note: iOS and Android phones will also support the browser version of each product (Chrome recommended). 
Flash: Adobe® Flash® Player 12+
Contact Information
To reach a Customer Support Specialist between the hours of 9am and 5pm Central Time, please call 1-866-353-ASGE (2743).

For questions related to content or CME credits, please email
Availability: On-Demand
Cost: Member: $145.00
Non-Member: $200.00
Credit Offered:
8.5 CME Credits
8.5 ABIM-MOC Points
8.5 Participation Credits
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