After the initial enthusiasm with the results of colorectal stenting as a bridge to colorectal resection in patients with malignant obstruction, some studies suggested that colorectal stenting could be associated with a shorter long-term survival caused by microperforation and peritoneal seeding of malignant cells. In addition, randomized clinical trials reported a low technical success rate of colorectal stenting. These data collaborated to wane the enthusiasm for the indication of colorectal stenting. Please join Fauze Maluf-Filho, member of the ASGE International Committee and Associate Editor for GIE, to discuss the actual indications, technique, and results of colorectal stenting. This new monthly series of global education will feature global experts to foster live discussion all over the world.
Fauze Maluf-Filho, MD, PhD, FASGEDirector of Endoscopy Unit of the Cancer Institute of São Paulo - ICESPDepartment of Gastroenterology of the University of São PauloAssociate Editor for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy