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Taking Care of You: Ergonomic Essentials for Your Practice (DV074)
Released:  May 2017
Viewing Time:  40 minutes

This activity consists of the ASGE video Taking Care of You: Ergonomic Essentials for Your Practice followed by a post-assessment and evaluation.

Gastrointestinal endoscopy is associated with several risk factors for overuse injury: repetitive hand motion, high hand forces, and awkward wrist, shoulder, and neck postures. In the most recent survey of ASGE members, 53% experienced injury perceived to be related to endoscopy. Studies to date have demonstrated that between 37% and 89% of endoscopists complain of musculoskeletal pain or injury potentially related to endoscopy. Work-related injuries can be devastating to a physician’s livelihood. Ergonomics evaluates how a job can best be fit to an individual, instead of forcing an individual to fit into a job. It is imperative that physicians are educated on basic ergonomic principles to minimize the risk for endoscopy-related injury. This video reviews fundamental ergonomic principles and gives viewers the basic tools they need to optimize their work environment and their interaction with the endoscope, helping them build a more sustainable endoscopic practice for the years to come.

CME not available for this product.

See a preview of this video content here.

Target Audience

Practicing gastroenterologists, gastroenterology fellows and trainees, medical residents, physician assistants, and nurses.

Learning Objectives

Upon completion of this educational activity, participants will be able to:

  • Use techniques and devices that support good ergonomic practice during endoscopy

  • Understand how to attain neutral postures in their work environment

  • Learn the importance of dynamic postures and mini-breaks, and techniques to achieve them during endoscopy

  • Incorporate stretching exercises to reactivate the muscles between cases

  • Understand the importance of personal protective equipment during ERCP   

Expected Time of Activity Completion: 45 Minutes (.50 CME Credit)

Original Release: 5/1/2017

Copyright ©2017 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. All Rights Reserved.

CME Expiration Date: 5/1/2020



Hardware/Software Requirements

Windows Requirements: Operating system: Windows 7+
Browser: Firefox 10+, Google Chrome 10+
Internet connection: DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed connection
Flash: Adobe® Flash® Player 12+

Macintosh Requirements:
Operating system: Mac OS X 10.6.8+
Browser: Mozilla Firefox 10+, Safari 5+, Google Chrome 10+
Internet connection: DSL, cable modem, or other high-speed connection
Flash: Adobe® Flash® Player 12+


This CME activity consists of an ASGE video, followed by a post-assessment.  All materials required to complete the activity, including the video, are contained within the activity.

To complete this activity, 
1. View the video.
2. Complete the Post –assessment by selecting the single best answer for each multiple choice question. You will be able to change your answer at any time until you click on the finish button.
3. Complete the Evaluation.


You may complete the activity in one sitting, or you may save your work in progress and complete it at a later date. However, to earn CME credits, you must complete the activity prior to the CME expiration date. 

In order to claim credit, you must complete the Post-assessment and Evaluation. Completed CME will be tracked in your account and you can print a record of this CME activity at any time. 

Contact Info

For technical difficulties, please contact ASGE between the hours of 8:30am and 5pm Central Time at 1-866-353-ASGE (2743). For questions related to content or CME credits, please email

Availability: On-Demand
Expires on May 01, 2026
Cost: Member: $13.00
Non-Member: $18.00
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
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