Endoscopy-related infection control practices has been an important part of patient safety protocols but has become increasingly heightened as a result of the recent COVID-19 pandemic. As a result of COVID-19, many have reassessed current and future infection control practices. This include patient triage strategies based on infection risk during the ever-changing pandemic conditions, but also the management of microorganisms through reprocessing by mechanical and detergent cleaning followed by high-level disinfection, rinsing, and drying. Importantly, the reprocessing of endoscopes and minimizing endoscopy related infections requires a team based, multi-disciplinary approach and includes several interrelated and critical elements; this includes staff training and ongoing competence, efficient endoscopy unit layout, maintenance of endoscopes, reprocessing of endoscope accessories and a robust, diverse endoscopy unit leadership team. Despite the low incidence of infection through endoscopy, there remains significant practice variation with regard to notable lapses reported in hand hygiene, personal protective equipment, injection safety, medical handling and equipment reprocessing.
Recent infectious outbreaks attributed to endoscopes have heightened awareness around infection control practices within endoscopy units. The reported and observed variation in endoscopy infection control highlights the needs for this program and sustained efforts to ensure that infection control guidelines are maintained and enforced. This program will review the most updated recommendations and best practices on establishing and maintaining general infection control practices within an endoscopy unit and how to best to operationalize a high-quality, safe environment for patients and personnel. Don’t miss this critically important On-Demand program.
The Live Course was held on June 18, 2021.
Release Date: June 2021
Viewing Time: 8 hours
Learning Objectives
- List 2-3 contributing infection risk factors in the endoscopy unit
- Create 2-3 strategies your endoscopy unit can implement to reduce infection risk
- Compare and contrast new endoscope reprocessing technologies and techniques and the data that supports or refutes them.
- Identify best practices in terms of staff training, reprocessing steps and endoscopy unit leadership to maintain and sustain infection control in your endoscopy unit
- Discuss how endoscope reprocessing leverages a team-based approach
- List one future endoscope reprocessing and infection control process that would enhance your GI endoscopy unit operation
Course Directors and Faculty
Lukejohn Day, MD
San Francisco, CA.
Pushpak Taunk, MD
University of South Florida, GI Division
Tampa, FL
Nancy S. Schlossberg, BA, BSN, RN, CGRN
John Muir Health
Walnut Creek, CA
V. Raman Muthusamy, MD, MAS, FASGE
UCLA Medical Center Program
Los Angeles, CA
Cori Ofstead
Ofstead & Associates, Inc.
Saint Paul, MN
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Operating system: Windows 10+
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Flash: Adobe® Flash® Player 12+
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