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Early Career Practice Management: Quality 101 - The Basics | October 2020
The second of four essential modules in the Early Career Practice Management Essentials Program series, Quality 101: The Basics reviews core topics that cover the basic foundation on quality in endoscopy for advanced fellows and physicians beginning their endoscopy careers. The series provides key insight to maintain a high-quality endoscopy unit, understand key quality indicators in endoscopy, the importance of efficiency, and infection control in endoscopy. The series additionally reviews advanced endoscopy procedures such as ERCP and EUS and includes a bonus module on the importance and benefit of providing the optimal patient experience.

There are 5 modules plus a bonus module in this Quality 101: The Basics Series
  1. What Constitutes a High-Quality Endoscopy Unit?
  2. Quality Indicators for Colonoscopy
  3. Improving Efficiency in Endoscopy Units
  4. Infection Control in GI Endoscopy
  5. Quality Markers in Advanced Endoscopy: ERCP and EUS
  6. Bonus Module: The Patient Experience
Each module has a pre and post assessment, as well as a video and slide presentation.
The target audience for this series:
  • 3rd and 4th year Fellows or
  • Early Career Physicians (5 years or less) out of Fellowship
Learning Objectives
Participants in this learning activity should be able to:
  • Define key components to a high-quality endoscopy unit
  • Identify the key quality indicators of a colonoscopy
  • Review the metrics and develop workflow processes to achieve efficiency
  • Understand endoscope-associated infections and reports on transmissions
  • Know why quality makers are important in advanced endoscopy procedures
  • Measure the patient experience and the factors that influence the experience

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: These materials are intended to describe common clinical considerations and procedural steps for the use of referenced technologies but may not be appropriate for every patient or case. Decisions surrounding patient care depend on the physician’s professional judgment in consideration of all available information for the individual case. American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (ASGE) and Boston Scientific (BSC) does not promote or encourage the use of its devices outside their approved labeling. Case studies are not necessarily representative of clinical outcomes in all cases as individual results may vary.

Availability: On-Demand
Cost: FREE
Credit Offered:
No Credit Offered
Contains: 8 Courses
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